Sunday, November 28, 2010

Myths That Bind and Divide.

Children’s cartoons have always been rife with social and gender-based stereotypes. From the 1930s Betty Boop to the 1980s Jessica rabbit, women have been objectified. They are seen as innocent, ignorant, helpless and in need of saving. Minorities, mostly absent are portrayed as inferior and childlike or as villains and savages to be captured or tamed. Standard cartoon mythology begins with a fem fatal in search of a person, place or thing in order to achieve a “happily ever after.” Beauty is equated with goodness and any deviation from beauty becomes associated with malevolence. Disney, a leader in feature-length cartoons has also been a leader in perpetuating these myths.  In seeming awareness of past wrongs or in an effort to jump on the political correctness bandwagon, Disney has made an attempt to show minorities in a positive light. However, the addition of feature-length cartoons Mulan, Aladin and Pocahontas miss the mark.  These shallow attempts to rectify errors of the past ring hollow.  Mulan must think and fight like a man in order to succeed.  Aladin was denounced by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee for its infamous song, "Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face/It's barbaric, but, hey, it's home.,"  Disney's Pocahontas was strongly criticized for cultural inaccuracies of Native Americans and flippant Portrayal regarding English treatment of Pocahontas and her tribe. Rather than make responsible films it would seem that Disney would prefer to purchase its respectability. Disney’s latest acquisition, Pixar demonstrates a conscience which its parent company seems to lack. In the Incredible’s mom is more capable of saving her super-hero husband. In WALL-E although the protagonist is male, Eve is clearly the movie's heroine. Pixar has proved that it is possible to create characters and stories that are fun while being socially aware. The argument for replacing the old myths and stereotypes with healthy, respectful and realistic characterizations is twofold.
Many believe cartoons are harmless fairy tales. My sister and wife were both raised on Disney mythology.  Both also defend the Princess and Prince charming mythology citing it as simple storytelling.  While they recognize the messages of helplessness and dependence on men they believe that these messages are beyond the understanding of young girls and they themselves were not negatively impacted. First, the messages perpetuate propaganda that is insidious and pervasive. Without careful analysis it may be difficult to determine how these mythologies might affect one’s beliefs or actions. Our views regarding self-image, with beauty and gender roles are based on an artificial social construct subject to cultural norms. A continuous bombardment of propaganda across a variety of media helps to develop our cultural norm.  Even if women like my sister and my wife were left unaffected by the by the countless messages of female limitation and a need to be dominated, there are many more who buy into the myth. However, equally destructive is the backlash by those who do recognize the messages of social injustice and inequality; women that find themselves in an adversarial position fighting for equal treatment. Therefore, I would urge those who think cartoons as harmless children’s stories to think carefully about what kind of message you want your children to learn and the implications of tolerating the status quo.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Power of Multi-genre

My experience with the multi-genre project was much different than I expected. I was prepared to learn more about multiculturalism and the benefits of building a multicultural classroom community. I believed this would come through investigation on my research paper. I did not have much confidence that the other genres would be as persuasive, nor would they provide any additional understanding.

            To my surprise the concept of multi-genre or multiple literacies continued to crop up throughout my work. I saw this first during research on the Paper Clips Project. Student’s involvement went beyond simple investigation.  The combined effect of various genres produced a profound emotional connection for both students and teachers. I saw this approach at work with the Globetrekker’s Club as well. After initial investigation of a culture the club members are taken on virtual trips complete with itineraries, passports, reservations etc. This touch of realism heightens curiosity about different cultures and increases the learning experience.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Paperclip Project

Another school which has met this challenge is located in. In 1998 teachers and the school principal of a small homogeneous rural community in Whitwell Texas, with the collaboration of students, began a project stemming from a lesson from the German Holocaust. Students began by reading the diary of Anne Frank. Then, in order to better grasp the idea of 6 million Holocaust victims, this eighth grade class decided to start a paper clip drive as part of an afterschool project. The paperclip was chosen because of its symbolic meaning. The paperclip, they discovered, had been invented in Norway and was worn as a symbol of protest during the Nazi reign in Europe. While Jews were forced to wear the Star of David as a means of identification, the Norwegians wore the paperclip to show their disapproval while demonstrating solidarity. Again, a variety of literacies are used to further the cause multicultural education, but the paper clip project was different. While literature provided historical background it was the combination of other genres they put a face on the victims and gave life to the lesson. Students began writing letters petitioning various individuals and organizations for help in their effort to collect paperclips. As correspondence began to arrive students designed sorting, cataloging and filing systems for every piece of mail they received. Apart from letters of request, they also sent letters of thanks. They initiated website and Facebook posts. Then, after collecting nearly 100,000 paper clips word reached national and international media. Their efforts brought journalists from the Washington Post and made the nightly news. Two German journalists living in the US, Peter and Dagmar Schroeder, who had ties to Holocaust survivors, took it upon themselves to visit this small community. After visiting the school they were moved to seek out an original rail car from Nazi Germany. It was used to store what eventually grew to be 24 million paper clips, and as a memorial. Worldwide notoriety gained them further support and lead to a visit by actual Holocaust survivors who personally thanked them and their school for their efforts. Documentary footage of Paperclip Project reveals that in this homogeneous rural Tennessee school not only had the students been changed, but so had the community and beyond. (Paperclip Project 2003) What began as a classroom lesson on prejudice, eventually included participants from around the world, carrying the message of message diversity, tolerance and understanding. As a future teacher I fully expect incorporate multiple literacies as a means of teaching multiculturalism in a deeper or meaningful way.

Monday, November 1, 2010

More Show Than Tell.

I am always amazed when a particular work is able to bring life to a character in a single paragraph, and sometimes even less. Allen’s Bringing Subjects to Life makes clear the importance of showing us a character, rather than telling us about the character. Though I’m convinced by her clear examples and provided rewrites that this process is essential for developing interesting writing, I find it particularly challenging. In attempting 10-minute character sketches I was sometimes unsure whether I was showing or telling. However, after stepping away from this mini project and returning without the pressure of a 10 minute time limit, I found that some of her examples had begun to sink in on a subconscious level. Other examples of characterization began to flower.
I love garden metaphors.  They are generous and expansive in interpretation and universal in application. In The Profit, Khalil Gibran speaks of friendship. “He is your field which you sow with love and reap with Thanksgiving.”  Paul Fleishman’s, Seedfolks uses the transformation of a vacant lot to a community garden as a metaphor for healing and regeneration. This beautiful little book is small in only the most literal sense. It is ideal for teaching multiculturalism. The author shows us the fallacy behind simplistic generalizations. One by one we meet his characters. They come alive as they are freed from societal stereotypes. We know their pain and with them we are healed. I am taken by the clarity, simplicity and compactness of his characterizations. This is a book I definitely plan on sharing with my students.

Monday, October 18, 2010

MGRP in Action

Today was the first week of the School of Education’s Science Saturday program.
 After this week’s readings I had a much clearer picture of multi-genre usage within a single theme. I participated in this week’s installment of Science Saturday and was able to see firsthand the effects of multi-genre usage on the learning process.
Though it was scheduled for between 9:30 a.m. and 12 PM it ran a little long. The elementary students were divided into three groups, k-2nd, 3rd-4th and 5th-6th.  I chose to work with the K.-2nd because my service work is with a first grade class and I was hoping to learn some new ideas for teaching science. We had a PhD and grad student leading the class with a few additional assistants. I was interested to see how they were going to keep all 24 five, six and seven–year-olds on task. Though we took a 15 minute snack/restroom break at the to hour point, two hours and 45 minutes seemed to push many of the children to the limits of their ability to stay in very tall, uncomfortable and squeaky task chairs.
            However, there was much to keep them in their seats. This was not to be a lecture so much as an opportunity to use one’s creativity and imagination. We began with a read-aloud book on the scientific model designed for children at the early elementary level. The book describes how making observations, using one’s five senses could lead to inferences and from inferences to experiments. Parallels were drawn between the work of renowned scientists throughout history with the work they would be conducting. The instructor then pronounced each as scientists who would be conducting weekly experiments. After some preliminary discussion and explanation of terminology that would be used over the next several weeks, students were given a science journal to keep record of weekly vocabulary words and associated definitions and many included drawings.  It was then that the real fun began. Students were told that there were 15 numbered plastic containers around the room, each containing a different substance. It was to be their job as scientists to make an “experiment”, make observations and record their findings. Observations were to be made using four of five senses, hearing, sight, to touch, smell. (Taste was not permitted) They were too infer the contents of the each translucent vial based on weight, sound, color, perceived texture and consistency. To record their findings each child went around the room with their own ledger. Item by item they made entries into a three column table with room to write down observations/descriptions in the first column, inferences in the second column and what senses they used in the third column.
However, after attending the lesson this Saturday I learned that the children were quite capable of understanding and using this language. Our teachers began by reading a book about using one’s senses. Then, this was connected with the idea of observation. The next essential connection that was made was between the work we would be doing was the same work that scientists perform. Children were encouraged to make observations and inferences. Following the observation period class discussion allowed children to share their observations as well as their inferences. Very quickly children began to make statements such as, “I observe that it is liquid and that it is yellow” or “I observe that it is white and made of pieces.” The same was true for inference. Some children’s comments included both observation and inference, “when I observed it was a liquid and clear I inferred that it was water.”
I was surprised at how quickly they learned that inferences followed observations and their ability to communicate the process. The first two genres which helped the children understand the project and incorporate its deeper meanings began with a read aloud on the five senses were a combination of written and oral. This was followed my writing the words on the board and connecting them to individual students. The next genre was more scientific and methodical. It required the students to write down their observations, to make inferences and finally, to indicate which senses they used in the process. The last genre was to make an entry in their personal science journal. While this included vocabulary provided by the instructor it also allowed for personal notes, drawings and ideas using pens pencils and markers or crayons. Rather than a simple lecture and note taking, the instructors incorporated a multi-genre approach. Introduction of new vocabulary was followed by oral interaction, individual usage in a practical hands-on process and personal journaling. When taken together these various genres helped to achieve deeper learning of science benchmarks while keeping the process fun and interesting.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Proactive Response to Intolerance

With all the extra time I’ve had lately I have been reading articles on “other than” awareness, that is, a deeper understanding and acceptance of those different from ourselves. Initially I thought for my MGRP I would investigate the problem of bullying and how children’s literature responds to this epidemic. However, as I looked at root causes I began to realize that responding to bullying is much like responding to the symptom of an illness. And any good medical practitioner will tell you that preventative measures are far more effective for promoting good health. So, how does this relate to bullying? It turns out that preventative measures against bullying can also be used to against other forms of aggression, injustice and intolerance.
I believe in an energetic approach, which not only challenges and rejects all discrimination, but that also proactively teaches diversity awareness and acceptance at the primary level. I realize that there are many wonderful children’s books dedicated to diversity. However, often instruction aimed at teaching diversity highlights superficial differences such as diet, holidays and clothing leaving children with overly simplistic ideas. What about questions about racism, social and gender inequity, and the marginalization of different groups the deeper, more complicated issues of cultural identity and associated complexities are skimmed over or skirted entirely. Educators need to facilitate learning engagements that highlight the complexities of culture and cultural identity.
 Some may say this is overly complicated for elementary school children. I would argue that through the media and social interactions they are already being exposed to these issues. Both schools and educators should take the initiative and at least begin the process of genuine diversity awareness and acceptance through children’s literature.   

“Multicultural Education is not merely a subject to be taught to others; it is also a philosophy of education that involves total school reform. It touches all subjects, should occur at all schools at all levels.”

Sonia Nieto
Professor Emeritus

Friday, October 1, 2010

Crafting writers, the final chapters.

“…most of the problems of education are problems of motivation, as teachers try to rush things” 
                                                                                ---Rousseau's view (1762)
This claim certainly cannot be made against Elizabeth Hale. Both her style of writing and her style of instruction favor small, incremental, but essential steps to crafting writers. I am absolutely in favor of recognizing authentic strengths. Children are quite capable of recognizing the difference between a deserved compliment, based on fact and an invented one. Also, having children verbalize a strength makes it more real. However, I found much of chapter 10 repetitious, but I have to admit that the value of recognizing and teaching a strength, that is a genuine strength, is deeply embedded in my mind. Hale counsels that recognizing an existing skill is a wonderful confidence builder and an effective springboard for suggesting improvements. One of the principal reasons for which I decided to become a teacher comes from experiences where I have been able to help motivate learning.  I recognize that this does not originate within me, but rather inside the individual. My job as teacher is truly that of facilitator. Sure, I present the materials and instruction, but as a student I know that this is only part of the equation. My job as a teacher has to include helping children discover their abilities and the intrinsic value of learning something new.
In Chapter 11 Hale offers some organizational and instructional techniques that help overcome time constraints. While group conferring cannot replace one-on-one conferencing, it can be a very effective use of time when more than one student is working on the same “next step.” Also, chapter 12 explains how rubrics can also be used as timesavers. I can see the value in having a master template and tailoring individual rubrics as needed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Capture, inspire, teach,..."

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish…” This 2000 year old parable is at the heart of Hale’s focus on improving the writer, not the writing.  Her mini-lessons are designed to teach incremental writing skills and techniques that make children active participants in their own learning. Text is used as a means of modeling the tools of writing, while "try-its" are opportunities to actively engage children in the use of these tools.  "Turn and talk" helps develop a community of learners. Together, the participation in "try-its" and "turn and talk" are powerful motivators for active listening and learning. This motivation is reinforced during the process of conferring with writers. I am once again reminded of our visit to Ms. Seabrook’s class. Both she and Hale support the idea of an early acclimation period for boosting effective and efficient use of instruction time.  Seabrook uses her first week to explain rules and procedures.  This orientation period establishes a positive tone and helps students understand expectations without the pressure or distraction of instruction. Hale, likewise uses her initial conference as an opportunity to present writing as a positive experience. Defining her writer’s strengths during research serves several purposes, first it helps to identify potential “next steps”, next it engenders the desire for ownership, and finally it instills self-confidence and inspires risk taking. It seems that both educators also share a common goal, to develop the scholar within each and every student.
--It is difficult to overestimate the power of positive affirmation. One positive reinforcer can have more impact on memory and behavior than ten negative reinforcers.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Elements in Design

After reading about the crafting of original writing, it is takes serious effort to put the practice of sentence analysis on hold. For me, mechanically grammatical writing which combines creative originality has been like the famous line drawing which allow for two interpretations. The first is of a contoured vase; both the left and right profiles are perfect mirror images. A second interpretation is of two identical profiles facing one another.  It is nearly impossible to conceive of both aspects simultaneously.  

I have never taken voice lessons, but I love to sing. Likewise, I must confess while I am one who cannot “…rely solely on [my] own history of writing instruction.” I do enjoy writing.  Hale’s strategies for crafting sentences and creating a voice are broken down into “small skills” These include easy to understand, bite-sized examples. Though I have heard of the “show, not tell” method of writing, Crafting Writers demonstrates the richness of this method with before and after comparisons. The incorporation of the senses clearly brings life to a story. Variations of words find a continuum of word choice and the subtleties they convey.  Single words can trigger a host of images and memories. These strategies have the power to illicit emotions and draw in the reader.
Hale provides instruction for developing the aesthetics of writing on par with what Strunk and White’s Elements of Style does for the mechanics of writing. Her straightforward examples make me want to look back at some things I have had to write in the past and for which II would like to give another look. Writing is often work, but it should also be fun.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Look for the trees!

In developmental psychology there is ample evidence to support the effectiveness of positive reinforcement over punishers in the area of motivation.  In “Every Mark on the Page” Cusumano (2008) is not arguing that parents and community members view writing in a positive light merely for the sake of improving children’s self-esteem. Her goal is dispel erroneous beliefs and expectations regarding beginning writer’s efforts. She points out that the tendency is to remark on what is missing rather than recognizing what has been achieved. . I see a strong parallel within the dynamic of second language acquisition. It is widely accepted that hyper-awareness of pronunciation, gender agreement and tenses by second language learners and over-correction by their teachers has a stifling effect on creativity, experimentation and the development of convesation skills.  The process of unencumbered, non-analytical, free flow of ideas is critical in developing fluency beyond simple imitation and translation. Likewise, Cusumano warns “…too much intervention interferes with the risk taking necessary for young children to grow as writers.”
There are other factors for beginning writers that are often over looked or little considered. The attributing of meaning to words based upon symbolic representations is entirely arbitrary and is dependent on agreements of convention. There is nothing intuitive about the written symbols we use what they are meant to represent. Also, while most of us accept that the fine-motor skills and eye-hand coordination of five and six year old children is underdeveloped, we still expect spaces between words, letters to be forward-facing, upside-right and of consistent size. I challenge anyone to meet these demands using your non-dominant hand. Then try to copy one single sentence (from right to left) using a new alphabet.  অতারতারা বারো জাত এহানর মানুয়ে ঠা or 喺三義鄉有龍騰斷橋.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Literary Dig

A local arts festival serves several functions and appeals to a wide cross-section of the community from infants, toddler and teens to parents and grandparents. As I made my way through the crowds I was reminded of the informal atmosphere one finds at a Renaissance fair or farmer’s market. There were many people milling about, most of whom had no seeming purpose or direction. Like a Renaissance fair there seemed to be a theme. Many were wearing casual, loose-fitting, colorful clothing. Another commonality included performance art such as juggling, singing and playing of non-electronic instruments. While much of this holds true for the farmers market, the patrons seem to be on a mission. Most signage in conversation is business-like and designed to aid in sales transactions. To be sure business was transacted at the arts festival. However, printed materials that I observed involved artistic performance, process, style, craftsmanship, etc. Also, once immersed in conversation topics often deviated from business to social contexts. I also observed this type of interaction among people filing past each other and coming to a stop upon finding a familiar face. In fact, one of my classmates realized that these types of impromptu gatherings were occurring at street intersections at some distance from the commotion at the individual booths.

At each booth I visited I found vocabulary both written and spoken unique to a particular style or process used to create a work of art or perform a craft. Some of these include Kiln-fired, lamp-worked, fritted, annealed, magnesium carbonate reticulated glaze for glass and pottery work. Bloomington chamber Singer’s booth included box office, oratory and hymnody. Others included, Astrograph, a process or shooting celestial bodies such as the Orion, Horse head, Cone and Rosette nebulas using an ultra-sensitive digital sensor which allows a hydrogen filter to block all visible light except for ionized hydrogen emissions. Interestingly, as Kristen K. observed in our group meeting, written literacy and specific terminology were unnecessary.

This was not so much an art’s fair as a social affair with opportunities to see and be seen, to talk, share and listen with others.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Talking Back

As a disciple of multi-culturism and multi-literacy, I found Witte’s article on two-way journaling via blogs refreshing. My early experience with reading and writing were quite different. My parents enrolled me into a children’s book club. I was to read a book a week and write a formulated report within strict, narrow set of guidelines. I found the books moralistic, obvious and thus boring. I saw reading and writing as a chore to be completed rather than something to enjoy. No one took the time to explore my interests and it was nearly two decades before I became aware of the joy and value of the written word.

As a future teacher and a current student, I appreciate the value of recognizing where children’s strengths and interests lie as a means to stimulating and developing learning writing skills. Witte’s Talkback project achieves to goals at once. Children’s written communication skills are being developed in an area of existing interest, (Online communication) albeit primarily social, and they are developing technological literacy.

As psychologist and philosopher Dr. Leo Bascalia suggests, “…each of us must follow our bliss.” As an educator it is essential that I be tuned into children’s individual strengths, abilities and interests that I might be able to help them discover their bliss.

Technologically Challenged

Though I do e-mail daily and follow some political and spiritual blogs, I rarely respond to them online. I'm more old-school, preferring to communicate in real-time, with a real person. I bought my first computer 15 years ago for a business and taught myself how to use Word, Excel and Access after months of trial and error. (I do not recommend this method.) I was even able to produce a web page after many frustrating hours I have a love hate relationship with technology. I love what it can help me do, but hate when it does not work as I expect. I’m the guy with a VHS player that perpetually flashes “12:00” At times I feel like I have a white-knuckle grip on the back rail of the technology bandwagon, face down, with feet dragging in the dirt.

I recognize that it is to my benefit to stretch my boundaries and learn new things. Also, I must keep in mind that each successive generation of children is becoming more and more tech savvy. My experience has been that I can learn much from children, but I expect to know at least as much as they do when it comes to technology and considerably more about the tools of teaching, technological or otherwise.